Eligibility & Orientation


The MECH Student Machine Shop and the MECH MakerSpace are open only to students who are actively registered in UBC Vancouver’s Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering undergraduate degree programs, and Mechanical Engineering graduate degree programs. Faculty with appointments (including joint appointments) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are also eligible.

There is no eligibility for persons who do not meet the above requirements. These facilities have limited capacity which is regularly exceeded by internal demand from the  ~800+ persons who are already eligible to use this space.

Eligibility is also dependent on completion of orientation requirements below.


All users must complete orientations for each space, and must self enroll in the Canvas course MECH Student Machine Shop Training at  https://canvas.ubc.ca/enroll/CAWEGP as most of the detailed instructions, downloads and videos are provided through this course site.

Student MakerSpace Orientation

This consists of a 45 minute on-site orientation which includes distribution of the required agreement. Upon successful completion, eligible students will have their student card authorized to open the fob-controlled doors.

The MakerSpace handbook is posted on Canvas, as are downloads, instructions and videos for equipment in the MakerSpace

Sign-up for a MakerSpace Orientation 

Student Machine Shop Orientation

Completion of one of MECH 220, MECH 231, MECH 512, MECH 560, MANU 230 or the Basic Shop Orientation requirements (below) is required for access to the MECH Student Machine Shop regardless of background or experience.

Orientation to other UBC shops or makerspaces does not fulfill the requirements for orientation to either of these facilities and likewise, orientation to our facilities does not qualify persons to work in other facilities.

MECH 220, MECH 231 and MANU 230 Students

Students who are enrolled in or have completed any session of MECH 220, MECH 231 or MANU 230 (the 2022W session onward) are automatically oriented to the Student Machine Shop as part of the course provided the required document submissions are completed. Incoming MECH 220 and 231 students should refer to the outline for the Machining Module posted on the respective MECH Canvas course site for details on the steps needed to prepare (you need to review material and write an online quiz and sign some papers prior to coming to the shop). Documents available for download on the Canvas site MECH Student Machine Shop Training include the Student Machine Shop Handbook , the Acknowledgement of Risk, and the Waiver and Indemnification Agreement.

MECH 512 AND 560 Students

Students who are enrolled in or have completed MECH 512 or MECH 560 are automatically oriented to the Student Machine Shop as part of the course. Incoming MECH 512 and 560 students who have not otherwise completed the Basic Shop Orientation should review the Student Machine Shop Handbook, then self enroll in the Canvas course MECH Student Machine Shop Training and complete the Orientation Quiz and then complete the Acknowledgement of Risk, and the Waiver and Indemnification Agreement. MECH 512 and 560 students are strongly encouraged to view the MITtechTV series of videos (outline provided here), focusing on Machine Shop 4 and Machine Shop 8.

All Other MECH and MANU Students
  1. View the machine introduction videos and review the Student Machine Shop Handbook before completing the orientation.
  2. Participate in an on-site Student Machine Shop Site Safety Orientation. This consists of a 90 minute on-site orientation in the K1190 Student Machine Shop. Sign up here for a session.
  3. Submit a complete On-site Orientation and Use Agreement.
  4. Successfully complete the Canvas orientation quiz that is based on the site orientation and the Student Machine Shop Handbook.

Returning Users – Access Refresh Requests

Access expires for all users in May of every year. If you wish to have previous access to the Student Machine Shop or MakerSpace re-instituted, request an access refresh using the form below:

You will also have to re-create a mech-tech access system account.