Electronics Lab Access

The Electronics Lab in Fred Kaiser 1210 is available for after-hours access for students working on curricular or extra-curricular projects.  However, as an inherently higher risk place we require all faculty, staff, and students to complete the site safety orientation. For questions regarding access please email eshop@mech.ubc.ca.


Access to the Electronics Lab is restricted to the following users at UBC Vancouver:

  • Registered students in any Mechanical Engineering degree program
  • Registered undergraduate students in the Manufacturing Engineering program
  • Mechanical Engineering faculty and staff (including joint appointments)

Orientation & Access

A mandatory on-site safety orientation is required for those requesting 24-hour access to the Electronics Lab (KAIS 1210). Sign up for one of our upcoming orientation sessions, or renew your existing access using the form below. Safety training sessions will take approximately 45 minutes.

Electronics Lab Orientation & Access sign-up: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6tC3Xi4LTffCDY2

Please note that access expires annually on April 30th, and returning users should ensure they request to renew access before this date.

If you’d like to request a group orientation session, please email a list with each group member’s name, availability and email address to eshop@mech.ubc.ca.